Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Data Discovery in Billion Row datasets

Presented by

Jim Bednar - Director, Technical Services, Anaconda

About this talk

When exploring and visualizing large datasets, you are usually faced with a tough choice between sparsely sampling your data and aggregation. In this talk, we'll show how to use Anaconda technologies to show all of your data, revealing both trends and outliers, and letting you explore even the largest datasets interactively in a web browser. We'll discuss: - How Datashader can render your entire dataset faithfully in milliseconds or seconds, with both trends and outliers easily visible. - How pairing Datashader with the Python-based interactive tools Bokeh, Panel, and HoloViews lets you work interactively with your data, selecting individual datapoints and local groups for further inspection and exploration - How to make sense of incoming datasets and make them actionable without getting distracted by tuning plotting parameters or missing out on important insights.
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