From Chaos to Clarity: Simplifying Your Organization's Policies and Procedures

Presented by

24By7Security, Inc

About this talk

Policies and procedures should be living, breathing documents that change as your business expands, adopts new technologies, identifies new threats, or your industry adopts new regulations. Yet, why are these documents constantly viewed as rigid and unchanging? A comprehensive IT security strategy serves as a map for your company. It is impossible to know if your company's rules effectively reduce the risk of breaches, detect potential risks, spot suspicious activity, and provide a plan of action if something happens without examining them. It's easy to forget a policy review when your organization prioritizes other responsibilities daily. However, it is crucial to block off time on your calendar every year for a review. In this webinar, we will be going over the following topics: - The essential strategies for managing policies and procedures - The proper definition of what a policy and a procedure is - Recognizing the steps involved in creating a policy - How to recognize the need to add new or additional policies to your existing set - How often should an organization review its policies and procedures Join us for this webinar as we have 24By7Security security experts, Matthew Alleman, the Security Manager, and Anirudh Nadkarni, the Senior Security Analyst, as they will go over how to remain ahead of potential threats, reduce risk, and more effectively adhere to all laws and regulations. They will provide actionable tips on analyzing the effectiveness of your organization's data protection plan and information security policy design. Don't miss out on this opportunity -> SAVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! Who Should Attend? • CISOs / CIOs • IT Directors • Security Officers • Compliance Officers
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