[GigaTOUR 2023] 사용사례심층분석: 사용사례들을심도있게살펴보기-기가몬딥옵저버빌리티파이프라인을실제로경험해보십시오

Presented by

Jason You, Sales Engineer - Gigamon

About this talk

이30분세션에서는기가몬의딥옵저버빌리티파이프라인이실제시나리오에서어떻게작동하는지자세히알아보겠습니다. 다양한사용사례들을심도있게살펴보며, 우리의솔루션의가치가하이브리드클라우드, 가상화및컨테이너인프라에서가시성을향상시키는데어떻게도움이되는지를소개합니다. 기가몬은산업최고의옵저버빌리티및보안도구와연결하여비즈니스의민첩성을향상시키고클라우드보안을보장하며비용과복잡성을관리할수있도록도와드리겠습니다.
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Gigamon offers a deep observability pipeline that harnesses actionable network-level intelligence to amplify the power of observability tools. This powerful combination enables IT organizations to assure security and compliance governance, speed root-cause analysis of performance bottlenecks, and lower operational overhead associated with managing hybrid and multi-cloud IT infrastructures.