[GigaTOUR 2023] 키노트: 보이지않는위협에주목하기 – 하이브리드클라우드인프라에서딥옵저버빌리티의역할

Presented by

Ljubo Mandic, Chief Development Officer - Gigamon

About this talk

이키노트에서는하이브리드클라우드인프라의보안및관리와관련된새로운우선사항들을살펴보겠습니다. 온프레미스, 멀티클라우드및가상화인프라전반에서사각지대를제거하고이전에는볼수없었던위협을탐지하는방법들도검토해보겠습니다. Netops, SecOps, CloudOps 및DevOps 팀들이보안환경구축을공통목표로하고있는이유를살펴보는것과함께, 그팀들이하이브리드클라우드인프라를모니터링하고보호하기위해통합접근방식을어떻게실행해야하는지도확인하겠습니다.
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Gigamon offers a deep observability pipeline that harnesses actionable network-level intelligence to amplify the power of observability tools. This powerful combination enables IT organizations to assure security and compliance governance, speed root-cause analysis of performance bottlenecks, and lower operational overhead associated with managing hybrid and multi-cloud IT infrastructures.