The first half of 2021 has very much felt like the “in between” of a COVID--dominated world and a post‑COVID‑19 one, and it’s something we have been speaking about with clients for some time. It’s an extremely complex environment for investors to navigate, with markets characterised by volatility and rotation. As we move through and beyond this in‑between phase, however, it’s critical for investors to imagine which companies will evolve, or re-emerge, as improving economic return “winners”.
Please join David Eiswert, Portfolio Manager, Global Focused Growth Equity Strategy, and Laurence Taylor, Portfolio Specialist, on 24th June, as they share their insights on the outlook for global equity markets and how the team is positioning client portfolios to take advantage of these dynamics. At the heart of the conversation will be a forward-looking discussion on the global economy, inflation, recovery, COVID management and ultimately, the sustainability of the equity cycle.