When you strip back all the information that is available in the market today, having a road map that allows you to adopt some of the Zero trust benefits could really offer your business or customer some unique options. That said, what is the problem that Zero Trust actually fixes? What does it give you that wasn’t available before?
The first step is to review where technology is now, where is it going, and where we have come from. We need to ask the question if the tools, and the architecture that we used when everything was on-premise, is relevant for today’s modern challenges. One of the things that Gartner calls out is how complicated environments are now, with complexity there are more chances to miss things..
Zero trust is considered as the first step in a digital transformation journey to SASE, so this session is not to be missed. Citrix has been securing businesses workplaces for a long time, and understand many of the challenges that today’s business face and looking to provide our insight and guidance across this webinar.