Investors and human rights: Ways forward in a time of complexity

Presented by

The PRI and UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights

About this talk

At a time of increasing publicity about the financial sector's responsibilities in relation to the impacts of their investments, especially concerning impacts on people and the planet, two reports have been recently published to assist investors. The PRI's report “Human Rights and Social Issues: Insights from the 2023 Reporting Cycle” provides analysis of investor practice on human rights based on the PRI’s reporting framework. The “Report of the UN Working Group on business and human rights on Investors, ESG and Human Rights (A/HRC/56/55)” ( analyses the existing practices of investors who are using ESG and sustainability approaches and indicates what needs to be done to ensure that investors are acting consistently with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in relation to impacts on people and the planet. During this webinar, the PRI will be joined by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and institutional investors to discuss market trends, insights from practitioners on best practice and UN recommendations for improved implementation of respect for human rights.
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