Gender equality post-Covid – championing female talent in insurance

Presented by

Catrin Shi, Editor in Chief, Insurance Insider

About this talk

The lack of women in senior positions across the insurance industry has been a much-discussed issue for some time, but the pandemic has shifted the playing field once again. Data from UN Women has suggested the coronavirus pandemic could wipe out 25 years of increasing gender equality. How should the (re)insurance industry rethink how it attracts, hires and retains female employees in the new working environment to level the playing field and ultimately benefit from a wider pool of talent? This session will focus on practical ways in which companies can help mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the careers of women and examine whether there are elements of post-pandemic working life we can leverage to generate better opportunities for women at work. It will also feature case studies from women who have successfully returned to work and are enjoying a new career and opportunities in insurance. How has the pandemic affected women’s advancement in the workforce and progress toward closing the gender pay gap? What has the reality of life been for working women during Covid-19? The actions employers can take to accommodate for different working environments and family structures in a new hybrid work environment - prioritising flexibility, inclusivity and equity The focus on talent and the return to work - progressive workplace policies, the language around job adverts and prioritising career progression The male champion – the role male colleagues can play in supporting women at work Closing the gap between the proportion of women in junior management and senior management Sponsors: AIG, TigerRisk Partners Speakers: Karen Graves, Chief Operating Officer, Inigo Insurance Stephanie Dillon, Partner and Founder, Inclusivity Partners Sheila Cameron, Chief Executive, Lloyd's Market Association Clare Le Becq, Chief Operating Officer, Specialist Risk Group
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