The eIDAS-Wallet in 2024: A "Blue Wonder" for eID and Trust Service Providers?

Presented by

Arno Fiedler Geschäftsführer Nimbus Technologieberatung GmbH

About this talk

The European digital identity wallet will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses that want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU. The wallets will be based on trusted digital identities provided by Member States, improving their effectiveness, extending their benefits to the private sector, and offering personal digital wallets that are safe, free, convenient to use, and protect personal data. For this initiative, the Commission builds on the existing cross-border legal framework for trusted digital identities, the European electronic identification and trust services initiative (eIDAS Regulation). The session will cover the latest concepts for implementation, the relevant standard initiatives (ISO, CEN, and ETSI), and the pros and cons of this ambitious project in the context of the Digital Service Act and the Digital Market Act. Earn 0.25 CPE credits on this session. Keyfactor is an approved (ISC)² CPE Submitter, partner.
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Keyfactor is the machine and IoT identity platform for modern enterprises. The company helps security teams manage cryptography as critical infrastructure by simplifying PKI, automating certificate lifecycle management, and enabling crypto-agility at scale. Companies trust Keyfactor to secure every digital key and certificate for multi-cloud enterprises, DevOps, and embedded IoT security.