Software Analysis of Complex Cortex-M Applications

Presented by

Reinhard Keil, Senior Director of Embedded Tools, Arm & Johan Kraft, Percepio

About this talk

In the past, debugging was all about run/stop debuggers and instruction trace. However, in complex embedded applications, it can be difficult to find the root cause of reduced performance or incorrect program operation without knowing where to place breakpoints or triggers. Trace ports are often unavailable on today's increasingly fast and highly integrated devices, and run/stop debugging may interfere with real-time applications. On Arm Cortex-M systems, you can use event annotations to analyze the dynamic operation of your software with a standard debug probe. This is supported for all Cortex-M devices and doesn't require a trace port. It does not halt the target system and has minimal overhead. Several software stacks and RTOS kernels have already hooks for event annotations. Applications that use such software components are easier to develop as incorrect usage can be identified faster. Event Recorder (Arm Keil MDK) with Tracealyzer and DevAlert (Percepio) make it easy to detect any issues and analyze the dynamic operation of the software via the standard Cortex-M debug access port. Join our webinar to learn more about how to: - Identify sporadic anomalies to prevent reduced system performance or functional product defects using advanced data visualization and analytics - Verify systems after code modification and before final release - Run remote diagnosis during development - Analyze deployed IoT devices to continuously improve product life cycle Register for this joint webinar, presented by Reinhard Keil (Arm) and Johan Kraft (Percepio) to learn more about how the software development solutions of Arm Keil and Percepio facilitates debugging and monitoring of Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers.
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