In the effort to keep your cloud secure, are you looking at all your identities — human and non-human — and their effective permissions? It's likely you can’t, as end-to-end visibility is notoriously lacking in complex enterprise multi-cloud environments. And yet, that lack of visibility over identity access to your pieces of compute, data stores, containers, and assets is almost surely jeopardizing your crown-jewel data and cloud security posture.
Join Sonrai Security and AWS to discover how to strengthen your identity and data security by understanding how to govern identities -human and non-human - effectively. We understand that managing risk across the ephemeral cloud means gaining control over users, data, identities, and access for secure infrastructure governance. The sheer number of interlocking entities, permissions, roles, and privileges presents many opportunities for unintentional paths to data via compromised identities. You will also learn how to manage effective permissions to prevent privilege escalations, toxic identity combinations, improper separation of duties, and other identity abuse concepts.
In this virtual discussion, AWS and Sonrai Security will provide actionable insights for redefining your identity strategy. Presenters will cover the following key insights:
● Review abuse concepts and prevention of identity security risks like privilege escalations, toxic identity combinations, improper separation of duties, and more
● Learn how to continuously monitor for data and identity mistakes that make identity escalation attacks possible
● Understand how to use Sonrai Security to automate and prevent these attacks
● See live examples of identity exploits, like escalation attacks, permission chaining, and identity risks