Peter Lewis, Senior Product Manager, Appian - Elizabeth Hall, Senior Product Manager, Appian
About this talk
Building a composable app using Appian and our enhanced Records capability is easier than ever. Join our experts for a step-by-step walkthrough of the development of an app using the enhanced power of Appian Records. Note: This is session 1 of 3. We recommend starting with this Hands-on Lab #1 prior to Hands-on Lab #2 & 3.
Hands-on Lab #2 -
Hands-on Lab #3 -
For step-by-step guidance during this session, follow along with our Hands On Lab Handbook >
Learn how Appian natively unites all the capabilities required to deliver impactful, end-to-end processes across your organization, no matter the industry. Located in the Washington DC area, Appian builds enterprise applications that is unified, flexible, fast, and impactful. It's guaranteed.…