Talking Phish: Risking the 1 in 10 Chance of a Catastrophic Phishing Event

Presented by

Dave Baggett, CEO, INKY and Roger Kay​ VP of Security Strategy​

About this talk

Nearly 90% of all data breaches and threats are a result of human error. When it comes to phishing emails, you are only as strong as your weakest link. Through just one compromised email account, cybercriminals can gain trusted access to an organization's whole network. The only safe way to stop zero day and BEC attacks is to stop them before they get to end users. INKY is the only vendor in the cybersecurity industry that is powered by machine learning and computer vision techniques to create individual sender profiles and block BEC attacks for users and most importantly, third-parties. During this webcast, Dave Baggett, CEO of INKY, and Roger Kay, VP of Security Strategy, will show the risk of human error in phishing attacks and how INKY's technology is preventing these malicious attacks from happening. Key Takeaways: • How are phishing attacks getting passed the secure email gateways? • How can you ensure business continuity with Intelligent Phishing Security powered by machine learning and AI? • what steps can a company take to supplement the core email defense to effectively block BEC, brand forgery, zero-day and more?
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We started INKY because we believe in email and wanted to protect it. INKY is changing the industry with mail protection powered by unique computer vision, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. At INKY we set out to give organizations the ability to “see” each email much like a human does, to block phishing attacks that get through every other system.