Ex-vivo platforms are useful to gain data regarding the efficacy of an oncology treatment throughout the course and after completion of a study. Furthermore, ex-vivo assays can be used to unravel mechanisms of action for immuno-oncology agents and assess cytotoxicity of oncology therapeutics. In this webinar, case studies will be discussed to demonstrate physiologically relevant 2D and 3D ex vivo PDX Models for testing oncologic therapeutic agents.
Register for this webinar to learn:
• How to combine physiologically relevant 2D and 3D ex vivo PDX models with quantitative fluorescence imaging and luminescence assays to determine efficacy of oncology treatments.
• The advantages of using tumor fragments vs. other 3D systems.
• How incorporating a diversity of readouts, including industry standard CellTiter Glow and fluorescence microscopy, can provide comprehensive insights to drive oncology research programs forward.
• How adapting different experimental parameters, i.e. drug combinations and treatment length (3 days to 21-day assays), as well as the readouts (RNA/Protein isolation) can improve richness of data we can obtain from a study.