Arm SystemReady and the UEFI Firmware Ecosystem

Presented by

Samer El-Haj-Mahmoud (Arm) and Dong Wei (Arm)

About this talk

Arm SystemReady is a new program bringing a level of consistency across a broad range of Arm-based devices in the cloud, in the network and in high-performance IoT (HPIoT) endpoints. It includes new set of standards and a compliance certification program, with the goal of ensuring that Arm systems "Just Work" with standard off-the-shelf operating systems and hypervisors. The program is based on a set of minimum hardware and firmware requirements. Firmware standards such as UEFI, ACPI, and SMBIOS are key elements in these requirements. This talk introduces the Arm SystemReady program, the Base Boot Requirements (BBR) and the Base Boot Security Requirements (BBSR) firmware specifications. The session show-cases enablement efforts for devices under this program, using open source firmware projects such as TianoCore and U-Boot. It also highlights open source firmware test suites used in SystemReady certification.
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Through a collaborative approach with world-class companies, institutions and experts, the UEFI Forum advances innovation in firmware technology standards. These extensible, globally-adopted UEFI specifications bring new functionality and enhanced security to the evolution of devices, firmware and operating systems.