Automation Strategies for Google’s 90-Day TLS Certificate Proposal

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AppViewX Representative

About this talk

Google's imminent shift to 90-day public TLS certificates is a reality that organizations can no longer ignore. Soon, PKI teams will be under tremendous stress to manage and renew short-lived TLS certificates for their most critical applications and services. The looming challenge that needs urgent attention is certificate lifecycle automation. Handling the renewal and re-provisioning of certificates at a minimum of four times a year can be a formidable challenge for organizations relying on ad-hoc and manual processes for certificate lifecycle management. The time to begin preparing for this disruptive change is now. Choosing the right certificate lifecycle automation strategy enables you to simplify certificate renewals and effectively manage 90-day certificates at scale. Join this upcoming webinar to discuss and understand: ● The key aspects of Google's 90-Day TLS Certificate Proposal ● The impact of Google’s Proposal on certificate lifecycle management ● Why automation is the essential solution for certificate lifecycle management challenges ● Effective automation strategies you must know to tackle the problem of frequent renewals and successfully manage 90-day TLS certificates at scale
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AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated certificate lifecycle management. The AVX ONE platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined automation workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility.