This session is led by the CII’s policy & Public Affairs Adviser and Chair, Professionalism Workstream, Access to Insurance Working Group, Shayne Halfpenny-Ray. It explores Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and specifically looks to content that can help support professions in improving access to both services and careers in insurance. Starting with an overview of EDI and important legislation/regulation of relevance, the session looks at how the Equality Act can interact with insurance, the Access to Insurance Working Group and the CII’s role within it, practical steps employers can take to build an inclusive working environment for staff (and reflect this with customers) and a summary of some of the key initiatives and outputs the CII has have been involved in.
The webinar provides support for anyone with an interest in EDI across the profession, and/or perhaps building their own strategy and/or looking for CII resources to help. With the requirements the CII has announced it has brought in for Chartered Firms, as well as the work it plans to do to emphasises EDI in its code of conduct, members from across insurance (and personal finance) should find this a helpful introduction to the subject matter.
Contained within the presentation slides is a summary of the CII’s body of work as well a helpful (not exhaustive) list of other sources for information and guidance across EDI. There is also mention of the upcoming National Disability Strategy, expected to launch in 2021, which members should be aware of and hopefully engage with where possible.
Learning Objectives:
• Understand what EDI and intersectionality means
• Identify the various protected characteristics under the Equality Act
• Understand and explain the role of the Code of Ethics and Corporate Chartered status in supporting EDI
• Identify CII EDI initiatives and how they can support your own strategies