Unlocking the Future of Driving with Data

Presented by

E. Juliussen, J. Weber BMW Group, M. Windergerst, Volkswagen AG, J. Biermann, aicas, Dr. S. Beiker, SV Mobility

About this talk

The car is the most complex product in volume production. How can we unlock the future of driving with data? Did you know that today, aicas’ software products are used in more than 21 million automotive and industrial devices? aicas is using its 20th anniversary this year as an opportunity to look ahead to the next 20 years and to discuss the future of the automotive industry with top-class speakers. This roundtable will give the participants significant answers to the following questions: - What are the disruptive forces for automotive electronics systems? - How do connected cars and autonomous vehicles disrupt automotive software? - How do business model disruptions impact automotive software? - How do top automotive leaders assess the future of driving? Panellists will include: Sven Beiker, MD Silicon Valley Mobility Johannes Biermann, President aicas GmbH Egil Juliussen, Automotive Analyst (former IHS) Dr. Julian Weber, Head of Vehicle Data, BMW Michael Wintergerst, Head of Vehicle and Cloud Platform, Volkswagen AG
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aicas’ team is fundamental to the evolution of realtime embedded systems development. Our online events connect audiences to speakers with insight into how leaders in automotive, industrial, medical, avionics, and military defense are shortening development times, increasing ROI, and gaining the agility to weather dynamic markets. Discover new solutions and learn from a team with more than 20 years’ experience developing the platforms that connect 20 million+ vehicle infotainment solutions and power edge-to-cloud industrial manufacturing devices.