Accelerating Digital Transformation with AI

Presented by

Ramesh Dontha | Sajid Mohamedy | George Lawton

About this talk

60% of senior leadership believe that Digital Transformation (DX) will be critical for business growth in 2022 (PWC). Given this, in what ways will AI and machine learning help to accelerate DX efforts? In this month’s instalment of AI: The Future of Business we’ll explore why AI and Digital Transformation should go hand in hand, rather than be considered separate business ventures and the benefits of this on your organisation. We’ll also discuss: - Why combining DX with AI improves productivity - If the best approach to DX is a data-first approach - The long term benefits of amalgamating AI and DX Panellists include: - Sajid Mohamedy, EVP - Growth & Delivery, Nisum - George Lawton, Technology News Writer, TechTarget AI: The Future of Business is Moderated by Digital Transformation Pro, Ramesh Dontha.
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Each month, the AI: the Future of Business series explores the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the world of Enterprise AI and sheds light on Artificial Intelligence for the modern business.