- Collaboration in Open Source: A Jungle That Needs Structure
Kaj Arnö
Open Source is more than software, and contributions don't just happen at the code level.
Open Source is a development model and a mentality, which differs from legacy, closed, commercial models. Sure, the code is open, but so is communication and collaboration. Or rather, so they should be. Open collaboration is easier said than done, but it's a key aspect of the overall usability and productivity of Open Source software usage.
- State of the Dolphin
Frédéric Descamps
Frederic will talk about the latest improvements in MySQL 8.0, MySQL 8.0.24 is just out! He will talk about MySQL Engineering Team's steady progress with MySQL 8.0.
- Database Administrators, Your Skills Are Needed in the Cloud-Native Future
Patrick McFadin
As a database administrator, you have been in the middle of some amazing stories of scale and digital transformation. Now our industry is moving quickly into cloud-native architectures and the need for skills to get there has never been greater. The role of Site Reliability Engineer(SRE) is one of the fastest-growing job fields in IT and DBAs have the right combination of background and skills to make the transition.
- ScyllaDB, Beyond Cassandra
Dor Laor
The ScyllaDB team began a journey of implementing a better, C++ version of Cassandra with the same API and a promise of 10x the performance more than 6 years ago. Finally, in 2020 the mission of a complete, battle-tested API was done and we even added a compatible DynamoDB API.