ESG Disclosure Regulations and Implementation Challenges and Solutions

Presented by

Dana Hanby, Carolynn Chalmers, Tjeerd Krumpelman, Mark Manning

About this talk

The volume of regulatory requirements related to ESG can sometimes be daunting. And this applies to both - the Financial Sector and Investee Companies. Only this year, the Financial Sector needs to get to grips with the requirements under the TCFD, MifidII, while absorbing the implementation of EU taxonomy and preparing for phase two of the SFDR. On the other side of Atlantic, alongside its new proposals, the SEC is increasing its scrutiny regarding disclosure practices involving ESG investments. Yet experts warn that the lack of expertise to make these disclosures may be causing investors to be presented with misleading information on the sustainability of their portfolios and so exposing Asset Managers to mis-selling and misclassifying risks. Corporations face pressure from investors and financiers alike for high quality, verifiable disclosures. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will be replacing the NFRD, sets a clear direction of travel for Corporate Disclosures. Yet, what does it mean in practice? • How prepared are organisations for the implementation of the regulatory requirements? • Does the implementation of disclosure regulations, change the strategy and operations of an organisation? What is the impact on the organisational Structure and what are the timelines? • What metrics should be used? How verifiable are they? • What are the sources of ESG data, and does the cost matter? • How do you ensure consistency of ESG claims across departments? How do you approach Supply Chains? • What are the Regulator’s expectations? These and many more questions will be explored with our excellent panel: Carolynn Chalmers – CEO – Good Governance Academy and ESG Exchange Initiative Tjeerd Krumpelman – Global Head of Advisory, Reporting & Engagement, Group Sustainability, ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Mark Manning – Sustainable Finance and Stewardship – Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Moderated by Dana Hanby – Managing Director – ESG Nexus
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