Corporate Sustainability Reporting Regulations – what are the implications?

Presented by

Dana Hanby, Carolynn Chalmers, Travis Miller, Juliette Gaussem, Susann Funke

About this talk

At the end of last year, the European Council gave its final approval to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which is a part of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Finance Agenda. CSRD introduces mandatory corporate reporting on a vast range of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and hopes to fill the gaps in the existing rules on non-financial information. The reports must capture not only the ESG issues of the corporations themselves but also include the impact of their value chain. This global-in-nature Directive does not give companies’ details as to what they will need to report at the group level however it comes with the requirement that the reports must be auditable. This means that processes, internal risks, and controls are raised in importance – and many hope – that these will get on par with the Financial Reporting. In the meantime, Financial Institutions and Corporations alike are concerned about data quality and availability, skills and capabilities across the business to be able to deal with the requirements, and the possibility of litigations. What are the requirements of the CSRD and the EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)? & How do both CSRD and ESRS relate to each other? What is the impact of CSRD on large multinational companies? How do you ensure consistent, complete, and accurate data over time from all group companies? How are the processes and the resource allocations changing to ensure compliance? And is this a ‘compliance game’? We will be discussing these questions and many more with our excellent panel: Carolynn Chalmers – CEO – The ESG Exchange and Good Governance Academy Juliette Gaussem – Head of ESG Reporting – Signify Dr Susann Funke – CEO – LEX AI Travis Miller – Head of Supply Chain Compliance and Social Responsibility - Google Moderated by Dana Hanby - Managing Director - ESG Nexus
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