Visibility into your network, consistent uptime, network modernization, and cyber defense are all top priorities for the Public Sector. Automating network services requests and driving a proactive set of Golden Configurations across all your networks allows Public Sector and enterprise organizations to reduce costs, improve internal customer experience, mitigate outages, improve consistency, and reduce security issues. Itential provides a flexible and easy to use network automation platform that ensures your network is configured properly, always stays in compliance, and reduces human errors that lead to security lapses.
Join Fierce Software and Itential technical experts for a one-hour live webinar to see:
• A technical overview of the Itential Automation Platform.
• Benefits of using the Itential Automation Platform to automate multi-vendor and multi-domain networks.
• How to extend the use of the Itential Automation Platform across your entire environment and organization.
• Customer use cases of how the Itential Automation Platform is helping Federal Government Agencies automate network changes and deliver improved security for the Public Sector.