Kontemplating K8s KOPs

Presented by

Tennis Smith, Rohith Jayawardene - Product Engineering Lead, Kash Saadat - SRE Lead, Lewis Marshall - Senior Engineer

About this talk

Kubernetes Operations - or KOps - is an open source project to set up clusters simply and quickly. Learn more about KOps: https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/ Back in 2016, several of our early Appvians were closely involved in contributing to that project to the point that they became authorizing contributors - or more commonly known as maintainers of the project. This webinar, in a discussion style fireside chat, lifts back the curtain on KOPs and talks through how they came to be so significantly involved - what was the situation that they found themselves in, and what were those challenges - as well as the particular changes we made for our own needs and for the needs of the community.
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