CISO Insights - The Top 21 Security Predictions for 2021

Presented by

Dan Lohrmann CSO Security Mentor | Earl Duby CISO Lear Corporation | Tony Pepper CEO of Egress

About this talk

Every year top security companies, industry thought-leaders, and tech media publications come out with their predictions for the upcoming year, and every year Dan Lohrmann publishes his roundup of these security industry reports, forecasts, themes and trends. This BrightTalk webinar will dig into the 2021 prediction report in detail. In addition to counting down (and referencing) the top 21 security prediction reports from the leading vendors, this webinar will examine: - Where is their agreement on what’s coming next? - Where is their major disagreement? - Where will cyberattacks come from next? - Which vendors have the best reports (and why)? - Who are the award-winners for most creative, most likely, most scary and other security industry predictions? We'll discuss security and tech predictions on Covid-19 and working from home as well as major security incidents such as attacks on global events (like the 2021 Olympics), cyber incident response and much, much more. We will take your questions at the end, and may even ask you to vote for your favorite predictions (or offer one of your own to share.) Join us now!
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Today’s security leaders are busy managing the increasingly complicated relationship between security and privacy. As the CISO role evolves, they're not only security leaders but strategists and negotiators, often working to keep other employees safe while ensuring their cybersecurity plans align with business goals. In this series we’ll highlight security trends and share insights from industry thought leaders on cyber security strategies, best practices, and important compliance regulations.