Cracking the Culture Code: The Role of OKRs on Company Culture

Presented by

Rebecca Clements, SVP People and Culture with and Kevin Shively, VP Marketing with Ally,io

About this talk

Now On-Demand Turns out the key to a winning company culture may be a lot simpler (and more cost-effective) than fancy perks synonymous with Silicon Valley start-ups. In fact, research shows that a strong company culture stems from alignment, more specifically when each and every employee understands how the work they’re doing connects to a company’s most important business goals. Over the past few years, OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) have become a popular choice for companies that want to align departmental and individual goals. Watch our webinar Cracking the Culture Code: The Impact of OKRs on Company Culture where you’ll learn: How setting, clarifying, and managing goals together now is the key to a happy, productive team in 2022 How OKRs, alignment and performance are linked Why you should use OKRs vs. another methodology in your annual planning process Bonus alert: Q&A and live demo of our collaboration board feature, which makes remote goal-setting a reality Led by Rebecca Clements,’s SVP of People and Culture and Kevin Shively,’s VP of Marketing (and resident OKR expert), this webinar will bring you a first-hand look at how goal-setting factors into company culture rating, and how’s goal management software can help.
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We enable action, collaboration, and catalyze company culture around achieving your company’s biggest priorities. Every business has goals, helps your business get results, together.