The European ESG Template and the Regulatory Data Challenge

Presented by

Anastasia Georgiou, Hortense Bioy, CFA & Jono Broome

About this talk

Amendments to MiFID II mean that sustainability preferences must be included in the advice process, presenting a new set of challenges for professionals and bringing a huge influx of additional data to the market. To support the industry as it responds to these changes, as well as the sustainability reporting obligations under the EU Action Plan, a new industry template has been developed called the European ESG Template, or EET. Join Morningstar Sustainalytics for our upcoming webinar to learn more about: - The EET and how it's supporting the EU regulatory requirements, such as MiFID II and the EU Action Plan - The coverage and values of key EET datapoints, including Principal Adverse Impact consideration, sustainable investment exposure, taxonomy alignment, and the different approaches asset managers are taking to calculate each. - How to overcome key challenges financial market participants face in finding suitable products, including managing patchy data and a lack of comparability between products.
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