Access to Basic Services: An ESG Imperative

Presented by

Adam Fleck, Head of Research

About this talk

The Access to Basic Services Material ESG Issue (MEI) focuses on managing access to vital products and services, such as healthcare, for disadvantaged communities. Global Healthcare Challenges Amid Escalating Costs - As healthcare costs surge globally, accessibility remains a pressing issue. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified concerns over pricing and access, prompting institutional investors to push for transparency and collaboration among pharmaceutical companies. Evaluating Industry Risks: A Holistic Approach - ESG Risk Ratings combine inherent risks with those unaddressed by company programs and policies. In the U.S., with the highest healthcare costs per capita, annual spending on prescription drugs hits USD 1,200. Elevated drug prices not only strain healthcare budgets but also hinder access to essential medications, raising sustainability concerns. Through our ESG Risk Ratings framework, investors can identify and assess companies most vulnerable to this evolving issue
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