Building Financial Resilience

Presented by

Laura Lutton, Director of ESG Product Management

About this talk

The Resilience Material ESG Issue (MEI) emphasizes financial stability and risk management in the financial services industry, particularly focusing on compliance with capital requirements. The Legacy of the 2008 Financial Crisis - Financial institutions must ensure resilience to avoid external costs to society in the event of bailouts funded by taxpayers. Regulators have strengthened global capital and liquidity standards post-2008 crisis, examining capital buffers amid ongoing challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic. Evaluating Risk Management Practices - Morningstar Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings evaluates both inherent risks and management practices related to systemic risk management and capital adequacy. Regulatory changes post-2008 crisis highlight the importance of bank resilience. Utilizing our ESG Risk Ratings framework, investors can identify companies managing these risks effectively.
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