Reshaping your SME banking strategy

Presented by

Lucy Heavens, Chief Marketing Officer, 10x Banking

About this talk

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) represent a significant part of the world economy and have been one of the hardest hit since the pandemic. With accelerating market trends, banks and financial services providers are under increased pressure to adapt to their customers’ changing needs. How can you future proof your SME banking strategy to meet those demands? Join the webinar to explore both the latest trends and challenges of SME banking, as well as ways of reshaping your strategy in 2022 and beyond. ● Learn how to capture market share with an increasing field of competition ● Understand how siloed solutions prevent you from getting a 360-degree view of your customers ● Gain insights on using technology to offer hyper-personalization at scale Panelists include: Lucy Heavens, Chief Marketing Officer, 10x Banking (moderator) Tom Phillips, Senior Vice President, Business Development, Europe, 10x Banking Matt Griffin, Head of New Name Sales, TSYS Lucinda Webster, Head of SME Issuing Transformation - Payments, Barclaycard Martin Hyde, Executive Director – Payments, J.P. Morgan
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