AREA Research Committee Webinar: Introduction to Khronos Group Camera API

Presented by

Host Christine Perey, PEREY Research & Consulting Speaker Neil Trevett, Khronos President and NVIDIA

About this talk

Overview The AREA Interoperability and Standards program produces thought leadership content to increase awareness and provide concrete ways that all members of the AR ecosystem can use standards to integrate AR solutions in scalable ways. The Khronos Group is an open industry consortium of close to 200 leading hardware and software companies creating advanced, royalty-free, acceleration standards for 3D graphics, Augmented and Virtual Reality, and parallel computation. This session will provide the latest updates on Khronos interoperability standards relating to AR, VR and the metaverse, including OpenXR, glTF and the new Camera Working Group. After a presentation there will be a Q&A session in which the audience can ask questions about any aspect of Khronos standardization activities. Topics Topics to be covered will include: - An overview of Khronos activities for AR - Key features and adoption of OpenXR - glTF asset format ecosystem and roadmap - Evolving glTF into a portable metaverse format - The goals and direction of the new Khronos Camera working group - How to get involved!
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The Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) is the only global non-profit, member-based organization dedicated to widespread adoption of interoperable AR-enabled enterprise systems. The AREA provides a deep and open exchange of good practices, lessons learned, and technological insights which can help enterprises effectively implement AR technology, boost operational efficiency and create long-term benefits. We currently support members from: • Enterprises (buyers of AR solutions) • Providers (of AR solutions) • Non-commercial entities (Universities, public research institutes and agencies)