Beauty Is in the Eye of the Deceiver

Presented by

Mark Sangster, Vice President, Chief of Strategy, Adlumin and Kevin O’Connor, Director of Threat Research, Adlumin

About this talk

Deception Technology for Your Zero-Trust Arsenal Traditional security measures are no longer enough to keep up with the increase in sophisticated cyber threats. Join Adlumin's experts as they discuss zero trust and complementing detection and response capabilities with deception technology. Deception provides not only early-warning detection but insight into criminal tactics and techniques. This threat intelligence is critical to protecting your business. Join Mark Sangster, Adlumin's Vice President, Chief of Strategy, and Kevin O'Connor to learn: - An understanding of how zero trust applies to cyber risk management - How to use deception technologies to detect threats quickly and gain threat intelligence into criminal tactics and techniques - Ways to complement detection and response capabilities with deception technologies to strengthen your security posture
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Adlumin is the security operations command center that simplifies complexity and keeps organizations of all sizes secure. Its innovative technology and seamless integrations create a feature-rich platform with everything sophisticated security teams need, while empowering service providers and organizations of any size with collaboration and transparency for a coordinated, mature defense. With a vendor-agnostic approach and preexisting integrations, Adlumin obtains security telemetry from across an organization to provide greater insights into security alerts and streamline workflows.