80% of new hires who receive poor onboarding plan to quit—especially if they’re remote workers, according to a recent Forbes article.
Onboarding is a critical juncture in employee experience, engagement, and retention. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 69 percent of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experienced great onboarding.
Yet even as employee experience grows in importance to the executive suite in the competition for top global talent, one of the biggest challenges today for HR and IT teams is onboarding and equipping remote workers well.
The solution is to move to a cloud-based approach to equipping workers, and integrate HRIS with IT end-user computing processes to deliver a powerful onboarding employee experience. In this session, you’ll learn:
-The positive and negative business impacts of getting onboarding right or wrong
-Why equipping workers has gotten so much harder for IT in the remote work era
-The new expectations and architecture for remote IT onboarding
-How the state of the art has made it easy to integrate IT equipment and HRIS workflows
-What a winning remote IT onboarding experience looks like for end users and IT