Design, Visualize, and Troubleshoot Quantum Networks

Presented by

Michelle Fernandez and Michael Wood, MSEE

About this talk

Quantum networks continue to gain traction with public sector organizations and interest with security-sensitive enterprises. Given the sophistication of quantum networks, technology professionals need to understand how to design, simulate, visualize, and troubleshoot these networks before they commit to purchasing devices and software. Join Michelle Fernandez, Member of Technical Staff with Aliro Quantum, as she demonstrates several examples of quantum network design necessary to build entanglement-based quantum networks. Michelle will show how each of these is designed, describe what protocols are necessary for each design, run the actual simulation of these designs, visualize the results, and troubleshoot potential problems. In this webinar you will learn: - What a few common examples are of quantum network designs - How entanglement, swapping, and fiber optic parameters can be simulated - How to run a quantum network design simulation and visualize the results - What approaches to take with the results to root cause design problems Organizations who are preparing their businesses, security posture, and connectivity for the quantum age are investigating how to plan, design, and implement quantum-secure cybersecurity solutions today. This webinar will help prepare you to navigate the quantum future.
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Enterprises and governments are racing to address the evolving threat landscape which includes Harvest Now Decrypt Later (HNDL) infiltrations, sophisticated Man-in-the-Middle attacks, and hacks by evolving quantum computers. Attention is turning to entanglement-based quantum networking, which leverages entanglement to mitigate these security threats while supporting new applications unaddressable with existing networks. Entanglement-based quantum networks are capable of supporting a wide variety of applications including modern secure communications, secure access to cloud and generative AI LLMs, data, and algorithms, and secure networking of quantum computers. Aliro also provides quantum network simulation as a professional service or as an on-premises offer. We help you navigate what you need to know right now to prepare for & navigate the Advanced Secure Networking future. These networks provide defense-in-depth with PQC interoperability to protect sensitive data, enable quantum computer networking, and enable distributed quantum sensing with unparalleled accuracy.