How security intelligence helps leaders make risk-based decisions

Presented by

Silobreaker CISO, Andy Grayland & guest speaker, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, Brian Worzek

About this talk

When it comes to threat intelligence, collecting the right data about emerging trends in online attacks takes centre stage. Actionable threat intelligence helps security leaders improve their defences by identifying exploits targeting their organisations and prioritising security resources accordingly. But how should you go about collecting threat intelligence? How do you correlate this intelligence with your own internal cybersecurity telemetry to make it actionable – so you can prioritise which risks to mitigate first? In this webinar, Andy Grayland, CISO at Silobreaker, and guest speaker Brian Wrozek, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, will offer advice and real-life examples on how to collect, analyse and use threat intel to build stronger cyber defences. During this webinar, you will: • Get tips on how to collect a diverse source of threat intel to deliver actionable intelligence • Find out best practices on how to prioritise emerging threats for strategic planning • Hear from experts about how to integrate threat intelligence into your overall cybersecurity strategy
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Silobreaker is a leading security and threat intelligence technology company, that provides powerful insights on emerging risks and opportunities in near-real time. It automates the collection, aggregation and analysis of data from open and dark web sources in a single platform, allowing intelligence teams to produce and disseminate high-quality, actionable reports in line with priority intelligence requirements (PIRs). This enables global enterprises to make intelligence-led decisions to safeguard their business from cyber, physical, and geopolitical threats, mitigate risks and maximise business value.