Deploying and upgrading Kubernetes in the real world

Presented by

Darren Madams Senior Solutions Architect @ Spectro Cloud

About this talk

Living with Kubernetes can be tough enough without having to deal with the rapid release schedule of K8s itself and all the projects you deploy into your clusters. How can you promptly update to take advantage of new features and patches without compromising application availability — or working yet another weekend? We can help. This webinar will cover some simple strategies you can follow to streamline how you manage Kubernetes deployments and versioning in your production environment. We’ll explore: - Considerations when you upgrade the cluster in different environments, from public cloud managed Kubernetes services like EKS, to small form-factor bare metal edge computing devices - How rolling upgrades can help ensure availability throughout the update process - Key steps to successful upgrade processes, including using SBOM scans to inventory your software and using rollbacks to correct errors We’ll do a live demo of updating a multicluster environment, using our Palette enterprise Kubernetes management platform to trigger an upgrade based on a change to a declarative blueprint called a ‘Cluster Profile’ to ensure desired state. This presentation will leave you feeling more confident with your deployment strategy the next time you need to perform an upgrade to the latest version… however soon that may be!
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Spectro Cloud uniquely enables organizations to manage Kubernetes in production, at scale. Our Palette management platform gives effortless control of the full Kubernetes lifecycle, across clouds, data centers, bare metal and edge environments.