Mobile Testing for Gaming at Scale

Presented by

Shane Evans, Co-Founder & CPO, GameDriver

About this talk

Mobile gaming is a massive segment of the mobile landscape, and unlike some of their application counterparts, testing those games can be quite the endeavor. As players’ now expect flawless user experiences regardless of their device of choice, what are game developers to do? Join Shane Evans from Kobiton partner GameDriver as he discusses the challenges that face mobile game developers and testers, strategies to overcome those challenges, and some modern tools that empower users to automate and optimize their mobile game testing process.
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Kobiton is a powerful mobile device cloud that allows companies to manage the devices they own and access real public cloud devices for efficient, comprehensive test coverage. Simple to use, easy to access from anywhere, and highly flexible, Kobiton minimizes costs while increasing productivity, so businesses can get apps to market sooner. The mobile device cloud platform offers centralized testing history and insights to improve collaboration across teams, access to the most in-demand mobile devices to supplement existing inventory and significant cost savings. Visit to learn more.