Breaking Barriers in Mobile Test Management

Presented by

Frank Moyer, CTO, Kobiton

About this talk

The mobile technology landscape is rapidly evolving, demanding high-quality app development across various platforms. Traditional testing solutions, burdened by outdated technologies and manual processes, often result in significant delays and degraded app performance. This session introduces a transformative mobile test management approach that leverages real-device testing, AI-generated scripting, and deep performance insights. Join Erin Baily, Director of Product Management, and Frank Moyer, CTO of Kobiton, as they discuss: The Magnitude of Mobile: Understanding the impact of constant technological changes on app development. Traditional Test Management Solutions: Limitations of current practices and the necessity for innovation. Emergence of Mobile Test Management: An in-depth look at new methodologies enhancing test management and analysis. Demo: Live demonstration of the new mobile test management capabilities. Sneak Peek of The Future: Preview upcoming innovations and future directions in mobile testing. Explore how these advancements streamline testing processes, providing deeper insights and significantly improving mobile app quality and development efficiency.
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Kobiton is a powerful mobile device cloud that allows companies to manage the devices they own and access real public cloud devices for efficient, comprehensive test coverage. Simple to use, easy to access from anywhere, and highly flexible, Kobiton minimizes costs while increasing productivity, so businesses can get apps to market sooner. The mobile device cloud platform offers centralized testing history and insights to improve collaboration across teams, access to the most in-demand mobile devices to supplement existing inventory and significant cost savings. Visit to learn more.