Ready to break up with ZooKeeper? KRaft, you had me at hello

Presented by

Chase Thomas Staff Product Manager and Sophia Jiang Group Product Marketing Manager from Confluent

About this talk

Experience a new era of Apache Kafka® with KRaft, the modern consensus protocol that eliminates the need for ZooKeeper. Rather than managing two systems, KRaft simplifies your Kafka architecture by storing metadata within Kafka itself. This means no more learning about another distributed system, administering additional servers, or maintaining a separate security configuration for ZooKeeper. In this webinar, we will walk you through two product demos to ensure you’re ready for ZooKeeper-less Kafka: one on how to get started with KRaft and the second on how to migrate to KRaft from an existing deployment. This webinar will also include a comprehensive checklist to ensure you are fully prepared to take advantage of this new architecture in your self-managed environments. Learn how your organization can experience a simplified, more resilient way to administer, secure, and monitor your Kafka deployments with KRaft and Confluent.
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