After a stellar performance in 2023 – what is driving the EM Debt market in remaining 2024?
2023 was an excellent year for the Emerging Market Debt asset class. At the end of last year, first central banks in EM started to lower interest rates. Beginning of this year the trend continued. What are the expectations for the remaining year 2024 and what is the sweet spot for investments in the asset class? Follow us and the presenter Michael Vander Elst, Senior Portfolio Manager Emerging Market Debt, Degroof Petercam Asset Management, in this Webinar on 26th April for the details.
Begrüßung und Einleitung
Frank Schnattinger, Chefredakteur
Präsentation (in English)
Michael Vander Elst – Senior Portfolio Manager Emerging Market Debt
Degroof Petercam Asset Management