Tackling Insider Threat with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Presented by

Rachel Carson, Analytical Development Director, Futurum

About this talk

This webcast, Tackling Insider Threat with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), will demonstrate how OSINT can be leveraged to help identify and prevent insider threat. Rachel will discuss the critical role OSINT can play in effective business risk management, specifically in managing insider threat. In particular, Rachel will describe how companies can make more informed decisions about the people they employ and do business with by embedding OSINT within their recruitment and screening purposes, thereby minimising the risk of taking on high risk personnel. Rachel will also discuss how OSINT can be used to understand an individual’s vulnerability to being an unconscious insider by, for example, inadvertently clicking on a link to a malicious website through a specifically targeted email. Lastly, the webcast will examine the way in which organisations are using continuous OSINT methods combined with machine learning to identify and alert them to early indicators of insider threat, for example negative attitudes towards work, excessive spending, or a close association with a competitor. Indicators which when fused with other information regarding an individual such as a change in working hours or excessive data extraction, can start to build a picture of risk. Key takeaways: - The principles of OSINT - The types of freely available information on people and companies - The value OSINT brings to business risk management, specifically in managing insider threat - How OSINT can be embedded within recruitment processes to help prevent companies taking on high risk personnel - How understanding a company’s and individual’s online footprint can help reduce the harm caused by unconscious insiders - How machine learning and continuous OSINT methods can help detect insider threat and provide an early warning of potential harm
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