Panel Discussion: Defending FinTech - best practices and lessons learned

Presented by

Donald Codling, CISO & Chief Privacy Officer & Mark Vanderbeek at REGO Payment Architectures & Johnny Wong at Veracode

About this talk

The Challenge - With the worldwide migration to Ecommerce platforms accelerating several years ahead of estimates, coupled with an increased attention to personal privacy and data security needs, The demands on all sizes of E Commerce firms to build in security and privacy as a foundation has taken new relevance and urgency. Between the pressures imposed by regulatory measures addressing Cyber Security and Data Privacy measures like CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act)-GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and the increase and evolution of the Cyber Security threat landscape demands a holistic, segmented and layered 'zero trust' approach. (From Theft of Intellectual Property, Theft of Personally Identifiable Information all the way to ransomware-wiperware destroying a companies very existence.) The approach REGO Payments Architecture has taken with its partners- From the beginning of the technical design and marketing discussions-due primarily to the sensitive nature of the spirit and decision mantra was the platform MUST comply with COPPA and GDPR Privacy and security mandates. We have taken an 'all hazards; approach to the emerging threat landscape and implemented a few key functions- Light Stream- Veracode- Armor- Some bullet points/key takeaways for the audience e.g in this webinar you will learn..... 1-Need for resilience and redundancy 2-Need to have a holistic view of all the parts 3-Cyber Hygiene has never been more important-patches, updates applied and logged. IAM tools in place, restrict admin access, etc. 4-Maintain across all business units the foundation of security and privacy (Not just meet minimum standards or regulatory threshholds but add extra care whenever possible Panelists: Donald Codling, Advisor & Acting CISO & Chief Privacy Officer at REGO Payment Architectures Mark Vanderbeek, CTO at REGO Payment Architectures Johnny Wong, Director, Solutions Architecture at Veracode
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