ESG Disclosures and Exposures: How Regulations are Getting Real

Presented by

Juan Migone, StoneTurn; Tanya Bodell, StoneTurn; Daniella Landers, Womble Bond Dickinson; Leila Dillon, Ameresco

About this talk

Headlines are filled with government activities targeting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) claims, with regulators assessing firms with multi-million dollar penalties for greenwashing. New rules are being issued to expand greenhouse gas emissions reporting and reductions. The SEC's upcoming rules promise to address ESG claims by corporations and investors. This program features a panel of SEC and ESG counsel and advisors who will offer legal, regulatory compliance, and environmental perspectives on who is impacted by these new disclosure regulations and how firms should respond. Questions to be answered include: --How the SEC reporting requirements fit into a broader set of federal initiatives --What California’s recently-announced carbon reporting requirements mean for companies operating in California and elsewhere --How U.S. disclosure rules compare to International Financial Reporting Standards --Where international requirements are binding companies with a global presence and how those rules already are being felt domestically --Which companies need to embark on carbon emissions reporting and climate action plans now versus at some point in the future --What material statements have companies already made that could put them at risk
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