5G, Cloud Technology & Industrial Growth Amidst Uncertainty in the Pandemic

Presented by

Nicholas Wong, Consulting Analyst, Frost & Sullivan

About this talk

COVID-19 has transformed the cloud-based solutions market, catalyzing growth, especially in Asia-Pacific (APAC). The region is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 29.3% by 2025. Among cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) vendors, Chinese vendors are gaining market share at a considerable rate, and stiffer competition against major global vendors is expected in the next few years. Commercial 5G is still in its infancy in terms of country rollouts; therefore, the APAC region’s potential market is estimated to reach less than 280 billion USD by 2026. However, understanding and awareness of 5G are still inadequate in many areas; 5G service providers need to educate companies in their target industries to illustrate the potential of 5G. As COVID-19 continues to cast its shadow worldwide, companies are forced to take various measures to sustain business activity. Some companies are adopting cloud computing, but many others face concerns that hold them back. This session will focus on cloud and 5G technology and showcase how companies are adopting digitalization efforts in these unprecedented times. Highlights of this briefing include: • Challenges and opportunities from the demand side: How are customers’ demands evolving? • Drivers and restraints analysis from the supply side: What are the critical factors for vendors reinforcing competitive strength? • Frost & Sullivan’s perspective on the implications of these trends
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