Creating Your Own Insider Threat: You are Your Own Worst Enemy

Presented by

Joshua Crumbaugh

About this talk

Every day, thousands of organizations are unknowingly exposing themselves to more insider threats due to inadequate security awareness models. This is often because the training is not engaging, and tests are designed to trick rather than educate users. On top of that, there are often harsh consequences for those who engage with cyber threats. This type of environment only serves to breed threats instead of mitigate them. In this speech, Joshua Crumbaugh, founder and CEO of PhishFirewall, will discuss why traditional punitive security awareness approaches are counter-productive and how organizations can leverage AI tools to emphasize positive reinforcement techniques. He will explain how data analysis and behavior analytics can be leveraged to detect anomalies and create an engaging and supportive environment that encourages users to understand the importance of security. Crumbaugh will also explore how organizations can use this approach to reduce the risk of insider threats and create a more secure environment. By the end of this speech, attendees will understand the danger of ineffective cyber security that relies on punitive measures and unengaging training models, and how it leads to an uncaring attitude towards the organization's cyber defenses. They will also have the knowledge on how to build effective training programs that engage users and provide holistic behavior analytics built around actually reducing organizational breach risks.
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