The Modern CX Tech Stack

Presented by

Scott Baker and Derek Top Opus Research; Brian Schiff, CEO, RedRoute; Jack Lorentzen, Sr Manager of CX, Brooklinen

About this talk

In the live interactive webinar (Tuesday, March 8th), join Opus Research, RedRoute, and Brooklinen to learn strategic approaches for call automation and what your business can do to help deliver better customer experiences. Topics include: -- Achieving business results for reducing abandoned calls, queue time, and talk time -- The value of no-cost, easy implementation and performance-based pricing -- How RedRoute's solution is helping businesses today -- Brooklinen's RedRoute integration experience and performance Overview of topic and discussion The key to providing a great customer experience is meeting customers in their support channel of choice, the phone. Automated self-service and intelligent assistants benefit from simple, narrow support requirements for customer care, saving considerable live agent costs in call deflection. The best call automation assistants can reliably handle high volumes of user intents (e.g., status of order, cancel order, change my order, returns, etc.) with impressive precision. The benefits are well known but have long been out-of-reach for most brands. One company that is delivering better customer experiences with call automation is RedRoute. The company has achieved success by emphasizing speed to deploy (~30 minutes) and delivering results. For contact centers on modern tech stacks, RedRoute can automate a significant portion of calls and free live agents to handle more complex support cases, enabling brands to affordably deliver high quality phone support. RedRoute's SaaS solution has strong adoption with eCommerce brands, and the company just announced the closing of their $6.5M Seed Round.
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