Business today is volatile, uncertain, and complex – and analysts recognise that businesses have been forced onto their digital transformation journey, adapting in six months, what was predicted to take six years. In response, the wider organisation now expects immediate innovation and delivery of IT services and support.
Join Micro Focus, Business Solutions Expert, Kevin Leslie as he examines how to align business processes with IT service delivery, to drive the follow benefits:
oGreater efficiency and productivity by maximizing the use of automation
oImproved user experience
oMore agile DevOps delivery
oEasier service management for expedited Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR)
oIncreased transparency and visibility of employees working from home
oAnd most importantly, costs savings to support business growth.
oWhat is ESM and how is an ESM strategy going to help exploit this opportunity?
Find out why you need to stop thinking of ESM as a Service Desk strategy, because it is much, much, more. Discover how ESM is a strategy that aligns IT services to your wider business goals.
Don’t forget to watch the other sessions from the Micro Focus ESM – Fast Track to Business Resilience Event, now all available on-demand, including:
Controlling Change Risk with CMS
Watch this on-demand webinar to hear from Micro Focus experts, as they discuss how to use automated discovery and change analytics to ensure your first steps to ESM are successful -
The Power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Watch this on-demand webinar and discover how to use Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to drive employee productivity, efficiencies and cost savings
Service Management Set Free
Watch this on-demand webinar and hear from Service Management experts as they examine the importance of selecting a Service Management solutions with autonomy built-in! - URL: