Ask a Corning Scientist: 3D Cell Culture and Bioprocess

Presented by

Audrey Bergeron, Applications Scientist & Ann E. Rossi, Ph.D, Senior Bioprocess Applications Scientist, Corning Life Sciences

About this talk

Advanced cell culture techniques and scale-up offer exciting research opportunities; however, they also come with complex challenges and questions. Corning Life Sciences knows cells – you might even say it’s in our DNA with over 100 years of experience in the field. In this webinar, Corning scientists put their expertise in the areas of 3D cell culture and bioprocess to work as they answered submitted questions from the audience. Webinar highlights: •Our lab is new to working with spheroids. What are some options for spheroid formation? (2:02 - 4:10) •How do you perform media changes in the 96-well Corning spheroid microplate without losing spheroids? (4:11 - 5:49) •How do you dissociate single cells from a spheroid for analysis? (5:50 - 6:51) •How do you transfer spheroids? (6:54 - 7:30) •What is the surface area of the Corning® CellSTACK® 10-layer vessels? (7:56 - 10:02) •Is there an easier way to fill Corning CellSTACK 10-layer vessels? (10:03 - 11:33) •What is the maximum culture volume for the 5L expansion bag? (11:34 - 13:25) •What cell types can I culture in the 5L Erlenmeyer flask? (13:26 - 15:25) Live Q&A session with audience (16:10 - 29:30) •How do you prevent organoids from sticking to collection tubes? •How do I check the cell confluence in a HYPERFlask? •And many more questions
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