Countless medical breakthroughs over the past century have begun with two-dimensional (2D) cell culture models. However, the limitations of 2D culture are immediately obvious – cells, tissues, and organs exist in three dimensions, not two, and tissues almost always consist of more than one cell type. By providing greater physiologic relevance, 3D cultures narrow the bridge between in vitro and live-animal or human assays. Recently, advances in the development of 3D brain cell culture models are recapitulating various aspects of the human brain physiology in vitro, used to replicate various disease processes. This webinar will cover the basics of 3D models applied to Neuroscience, including models for neurosphere and blood brain barrier generation.
Presenter bio
After graduating from Biochemistry in the University of Santiago (Chile), Constanza pursued directly a career in the Chilean Vaccine R&D industry, developing as a bioprocess scientist for both bacterial and viral vaccines in the field of animal health, being in charge of scale-up, and tech transfer with manufacturing plants. She furthered developed her career in Belgium as a bioprocess scientist, this time in the field of recombinant protein production, pursuing protocol optimization and scale-up experiments with suspension mammalian cell lines. Constanza is currently a field applications scientist in Corning for the EMEA region, providing customers with in-depth technical support, presenting seminars and trainings, and assisting customers in experimental set-up and troubleshooting.