Auditing/Assessing during COVID-19: Tips from TL 9000 CBs & ANAB

Presented by

Sheronda Jeffries, Brenda Bisell, Tim Woodcome, Carlton Patterson, Laura Coplon

About this talk

During the COVID-19 pandemic, for TL 9000, it’s been business-as-usual for most ABs and CBs. Most telecom organizations adapted easily to remote auditing and few have required certification extensions. In this webinar, ANAB and TL 9000 CB auditors will share lessons learned and best practices on how remote auditing works, as they continue to conduct audits and assessments during the pandemic. Speakers: - Sheronda Jeffries, QuEST Forum Strategic Relations Director and IAF Director representing Users/Industry - Brenda Bissell, Accreditation Manager, ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) - Tim Woodcome, NQA (National Quality Assurance) Certification Body (CB) - Carlton Patterson, DQS Inc. Certification Body - Laura Coplon, Quality Manager - Quality Management Systems, Infinera Links provided during the webinar include: The Currency of Credibility: Valid ISO Certification According to ISO Also attendees were encouraged to check the resources made available by ISO/ CASCO STAR in the following page that should prove useful to anybody who works in conformity assessment and is facing challenges related to COVID-19.
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